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# A115, Nehru Nagar 2nd Main Road, 7th Link Street, Kottivakkam, Chennai - 41.

Water detection labels change color when exposed to moisture. Typically, these labels are used as warranty labels for electronic equipment where water exposure can damage electronic components and void the equipment warranty.

  • Protect Your Products and Process
  • Control Warranty Claims

Water Detection Label

Before exposure to water, the label shows no color change.

Water Detection Label

After brief exposure (less than 1 second) to water, the color change will be visible at the perimeter of the label.

Water Detection Label

After longer exposure (1 minute or more) to water, the color change will be prominent in the entire label.

When exposed to water, all water detection labels change from white to red. Stock and custom versions are available.

Water Detection Label

Extended exposure to high humidity (95% humidity or more) during storage or while in use may cause the white label to change to a pink color. If storing labels in a high humidity condition, keep the labels in a plastic bag.

Our water detection labels feature a 1 year warranty from the invoice date.

For maximum shelf life, the recommended storage is between +60F to +80F and 40% to 60% RH.

We recommend product is used (removed from carrier and affixed onto the intended surface) within 12 months from date of purchase; the labels may be difficult (or impossible) to remove from the silicone coated carrier if consumption is delayed beyond 12 months, especially if stored at less than optimum conditions.

We recommend you rotate your inventory on a first in, first out basis.

After affixing onto the intended surface, the label will function for years to detect the presence of water with a design life of 5 years.

lets talk labels

# A115 & B115, Nehru Nagar 2nd Main Road, 7th Link Street, Kottivakkam, Chennai - 600041.
Fax: +91 8668075763

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